Selected Projects

A multiyear evaluation of the Boston Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) (2020-2021)

As a research assistant, I am working with Dr. Alicia Sasser Modestino on a multi-year evaluation of SYEP, in partnership with the Boston Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development, to assess how summer job programs can help reduce inequality and crime behavior among youth in Boston.  

Spatial indicators of urban built environment

As an experiential fellow with the RMIT Healthy Livable Cities Group, I am working on methodology and python scripting development of the spatial indicator software tool for accessibility analysis. The goal is to help cities develop a set of open-source and reproducible planning indicators which could be used to benchmark, monitor and assess the potential of cities to promote health, sustainability, and wellbeing in a global context.  

Dessertation research in Regional Economics and Entrepreneurship

As a PhD student at Northeastern University, I am working on my dessertation research to examine the regional determinants of innovation and entrepreneurship activities, and explore how the development patterns differ across various geographical regimes (i.e. urban and rural, large and small communities, metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions). The empirical models of my studies mainly draw from the theories of urbanization/localization economies, endogenous growth and geographical knowledge spillover of entrepreneurship, all of which emphasize the critical role of human capital, innovation, industries and entrepreneurship in economic development.